Inside the main trunk of the 'M' is Detached Buttonhole, obviously, with silk I dyed myself in a moment of rare experimentation. I don't like to dye thread, or rather, I don't trust it... all those hours stitching and then it runs or fades... s'pose 11 years later and it's still colourful.
So that's about it, with a little Padded Satin stitch and some straight 'fill' stitches. Easy Peasy.
The stems and leaves are with, is it Kookanda or something? Fine wool. Absolutely beautiful to use. The dappled colours give a subtle shift in hue or shade that works well anyplace.
Just to give you an idea, the tan 'satin-backed-shantung' is the actual colour of the quilt background. $4 at St. Andrews market and exactly perfect.
WOW! This is just gorgeous needlework. Thanks for the links. You have quite a talent for embroidering :-)
I'm still here Robyne, hoping you will start posting regularly again...
love your work
Me here too... I love your work. It has inspired me a lot. Missed your blogging but hope you are doing as much stitching as you would wish.
What a beautiful job you did on this piece. Thanks for posting.
Robyne: Just found your blog through CQI, and I love your wonderful art. You have a personal style that is recognizable (in the same sense as a Georgia O'Keefe, Matisse) and I appreciate your sharing your embroidery journey so freely. I'm thrilled for you that you sold your CQ to the collector lady, allowing you to secure your financial future, because it sounds like it will ultimately be donated and preserved for future generations to enjoy. God bless you and please keep blogging, it makes the world a nicer place for the rest of us. A newbie CQ in LA, USA; Amy in LA
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